This case study reports results of a customer support program which focus on finding solutions to the debt spiral problem.
A 4-step flowchart for community workers assisting their clients to understand the different parts of their energy bill, and find more information.
This article by Financial Counselling Australia describes some examples of economic abuse.
A deep dive into the impacts and influencing factors of vulnerability and the benefits of proactive and holistic approaches to proactive prevention.
A simple tool to help people find the important information on their energy bill.
State Library Victoria outlines the ongoing role of public libraries in promoting and supporting reading and addressing low levels of literacy in Vic.
A report on pilot project initiative of Transurban Customer & Communities Advocate.
This training is designed and presented by people living with disability. The audience will engage with thought-provoking activities.
This report provides a summary of literature and qualitative research exploring the financial impacts of disability.
This report is a compilation of the key insights that TCP has drawn from each of the 10 episodes in the Change Favours the Brave Series of the TCP Connect Webinars.
Victorian Financial Counsellors rank the financial hardship policies and practices of telecommunication providers.