Energy Water Ombudsman Victoria (EWOV) - https://www.ewov.com.au/
We're an independent service that investigates and resolves complaints. We deal with complaints in Victoria’s electricity, gas and water sector, covering most companies that offer services to customers. You can also contact us to talk about an issue without starting a formal complaint.
We’re free to Victorian customers. That means you won’t have to pay to contact us or have us look into your complaint.
What does EWOV do?
We’re an independent and impartial dispute resolution service. That means we’re not on anyone’s side. We look at the facts and circumstances of every complaint to make a fair and reasonable decision as quickly as possible. We also provide advice and information to customers, and we can refer you to other support services.
We also look back at the cases that come to us to find systemic issues that affect groups of customers. We often report these issues to energy and water companies and regulators so that they can fix the underlying problems. We share anonymous data and write reports on our cases to help the industry reduce the occurrence of complaints.
Visit the Australian and New Zealand Ombudsman Association (ANZOA) website for more information about ombudsman services.