The Thriving Communities Australia (TCA) is a cross-sector collaboration with the goal that everybody has fair access to the modern essential services they need to thrive in contemporary Australia.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are far more likely to experience financial hardship than non-indigenous Australians.
This AGL report explores some of the macro trends shaping social and economic inclusion in AU, including workforce transition and income inequality.
A financial inclusion action plan (FIAP) is a commitment of agreed actions that organisations undertake to improve financial inclusion and resilience for those experiencing vulnerability and hardship.
Best practice for service providers – access, inclusion and supported decision making for vulnerable customers with decision-making impairment.
This is a gateway and one-stop shop to access information on critical issues in the space of vulnerability and hardship.
People born overseas are nearly 50% more likely to have financial difficulties than people born in Australia – individuals whose first language is not English are particularly at risk.