Family Violence

*People impacted by family violence

It's time to turn discomfort into real and lasting change. Family violence is everyone’s business. Now is our time to make a difference.

Note: TCA does not provide direct support services to people who have experienced or are experiencing family violence.

Family Violence

TCP Network for Business - Domestic and Family Violence

A space for businesses from across sectors to come together to share, learn and explore evolving better practice for supporting people experiencing family violence.

Emerging from the ‘Don't Just Think Tank (DJTT)’ workshops held by TCP, WIRE and the Economic Abuse Reference Group in 2020, this Business Network meets bi-monthly with a rotating chair and brings in guest speakers and knowledge experts to keep businesses moving forward in their efforts to better support people experiencing family violence. Learn more about the network or register your interest at

Graphic showing Network benefits: 1. Build alignment across sectors, 2. Capture lessons on emerging better practice, 3. Create connections to like-minded changemakers

Bi-monthly meetings, guest speakers and knowledge experts, rotating chair and equal voice



TCP Family Violence Roundtable Event

In November 2018, more than 170 representatives from business, community and service organisations, government, regulators, ombudsmen and others attended the TCP Family Violence Roundtable Event, bringing a spirit of collaboration and willingness to learn. 

The post-event report is filled with tools and tips for all businesses and people seeking to make a positive change in this space. This report has been cited and utilised by multiple organisations in their program design and advocacy efforts.

Our sincere thanks to WIRE and lived experience advocates from ‘Speaking Out’ who made this event possible.

Download the web version of the report here

Download the print version of the report here

Resources, training and more from our Partners

While TCP continues to play an active role in supporting improved business responses to family violence and better outcomes for humans, we acknowledge the expertise of leading organisations within our partnership and strongly encourage connecting with them.

Below is a collection of resources, research, training and more from these leading organisations that provide rich insight and guidance for businesses and humans seeking to champion for change.

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